Love is the acceptance of each other's imperfections
Love is a child in need of our protection
Love is a prisoner dreaming of release
Love is a divided world coming together in the name of peace
Love is an act of kindness to a stranger in need
Love is generosity in a culture based on greed
Love is understanding, not judging one another's actions
Love is not searching for discrete dissatisfactions
Love is giving everything until you're totally spent
Love is not holding back, not even one percent
Love is giving service to others and wanting nothing in return
Love is a lifetime of such lessons that we all must surely learn
Love is a painting that can speak without a word
Love is a memory that doesn't need to be heard
Love is an ability to smile whatever the situation
Love is the comfort of silence in our communications
Love is the confidence of a life without fear
Love is the freedom of a conscience that is clear
Love is the friendship that you can rely on in thick or thin
Love is the innocence of causing neither crime nor sin
Love is living in each day like it might be your last
Love is not looking to the future or being hounded by your past
Love is living in the here and now with truth and integrity
Love is living in a way that your love is plain to see
Love is a song that captures your heart and soul
Love is never giving up on striving for your goal
Love is a prayer that is said with true conviction
Love is the God who showed his love through his crucifixion
Michael Naughton
1 January 2025