'Jeremy B' by Sean Bw Parker
Jeremy B
There are voices in her head, she says
Everyone knows it
Tense as the family may be
But guns aren't his thing, having fun is
From his cell of more than thirty years
Jeremy watches TV series come and go
Endless ruminations on his character
And the murders at the Farm
A now-haunted seat of tragedy
Haunted by the public imagination
Mediated through the convicted harms
Of one man-boy
Or so we're told; as the story is better
Than the reality might be
Jeremy grieves for all, while accused
Having never had a gun
But being a confident young man, adventuring in money
Paying the ultimate price at the disposal of the State
Would the Judge have hanged him
Given the chance?
Whyever not - the public demands
There is a struggle, the sister is fighting
Leaving marks, scratches
Jeremy's girlfriend panics
Or is she out of young love?
Or had enough of endless questioning
By the police; cuts the lifeline
'He'll do' for the thousandth time
The public wants more blood; the family's wasn't enough
'And that lad looks like an arrogant so-and-so'
Quiffed-up and expressionless
On the evening news
'He must've done it because he was adopted'
With bio-parents at Buck Palace
Never trust a bisexual anyway, they say
Whether he helps other prisoners to read or not
How dare he study for his GCSEs?
And what more evidence do they need
To be well in front of reasonable doubt
At the very least.
Sean Bw Parker