Did Lucy kill the babies?
Or, is she an innocent victim?
That’s the burning question
Being levelled at the system
Children dying daily
Sometimes the cause unknown
Parents needing answers
Distraught and all alone
Uncertainty is disturbing
It unsettles minds and hearts
How can the families move on
When it’s tearing them apart?
A hospital in crisis
Grudges being made
A perfect combination
For false allegations being laid
Experts disagreeing
Who should we believe?
Has justice been subverted?
Should Lucy be reprieved?
Her appeal has been rejected
The convictions have been upheld
Increasing dissatisfaction
That the truth has been withheld
Much confidence in the ether
That justice will prevail
But, what about Robin, Clive and Jeremy?
Also innocent and languishing in jail
By Michael Naughton
February 2025