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Bryan Haskell: An alleged innocent victim of the Scots law 'Moorov' doctrine calls for help

My name is Bryan Haskell and I am 55 years old. I am in HMP Edinburgh, I have been here from 17th January 2024. I am writing to you to see if anyone can help me and my family in any way. I was convicted of rape of which I am completely innocent.

I was convicted under the Moorov doctrine/course of conduct with no evidence and on hearsay of two women.

I was not afforded proper legal defence due to the limited information I was advised about pre-trial, the presiding jury members did not observe the facts of the Moorov/ course of conduct properly and that rendered me a level of unfairness from start to finish in my trial proceedings.

The jury were in the Odeon cinema Edinburgh and were caught twice on their phones.

They also had questions at the end of the trial:

  1. They wanted to hear a prosecution witness statement again which was refused and this person’s statement coincided with my story which was the truth.

  2. They asked about dates as they weren’t sure and again the judge refused and  said “They would have to go with their notes and if they weren’t sure it must end in an acquittal”.

But they still came back with a guilty.

My now partner Joanne, who I have been with from 1988-2001 and again from end of 2001-2008 and now from the end of 2018-present has never made any accusations against me as she knows that I am not that type of person.

She had been harassed by police trying to get her to tell lies against me, but she always told the truth that I am no rapist. She was meant to be a witness for the defence, but at the last minute they did not use her which we all thought was strange and she was not happy about this.

I was with one of my accusers from 2008-2018 with whom I had two children [names deleted by Editor] (2013+2014) whom I love with all my heart but have not been able to see them from 2021 because of all this. Me and their mother split up in 2018 after 9 ½ years together.

I did not see [names of children deleted by Editor] until I went to a family lawyer in 2019. After seeing them a few times, I had told their mother I had been advised to go to family court as the mother was being awkward about me seeing them as he had met another man and got married. She had [names of children deleted by the Editor] calling me Bryan and not Dad.

The family court always gave me extra time with them and one day I was seeing them their mother had threatened me saying “If you go to family court, I will dig my heels in and make you pay”. My KC had found out that 3 days after that threat was made she contacted the police and made the rape accusation.

The second accuser who I was only with a short time in 2001 and lived in the same town as me and still does had refused to make a statement to police 3 times before getting harassed into making one on the fourth time and the enticement of compensation. I had seen her in the town where we lived passing her in shops on the street etc hundreds of times. We never spoke to each other but knew who each other was and she had not made any accusation against me.

The accuser with whom I had [names of children deleted by Editor] had lived with me for 9 years and had a female friend in the town with whom she called “her little spy” knew the other accuser and there is where they are in contact.

I have suffered from anxiety, panic attacks and depression since 1992 and have been on medication for this since then which I still take. This medication affects you sexually, which is easy enough checked. The accuser I was with for 9 ½ years said in court and under oath that she wasn’t aware of my illness or my medication even though she lived in my house for 9 years, she had saw me taking panic attacks on multiple occasions and had attended the doctors and hospital with me.

There was many lies told by the accusers which the jury chose to ignore, I had told the truth from the very start which the jury also chose to ignore. I have lost my house, my car, my life all because of lies. I am an innocent man with a good heart locked away from my family for false allegations, it has and is taking a toll on my health and also my family’s well-being.

Why can these things happen in this day and age using a 90 year old defective case law that destroys lives forever?

There is much debate surrounding the Moorov doctrine. What is legal and what is not, how it is applied and what criteria fits the bill, but what is wrong by the crown is they fail to distinguish certain criterias and apply it untoward deliberately and such case law is not governed properly by the Scottish government or approved for use by the UK government the rendering the case illegal and illegitimate and not in line with proper standards of proofs of evidence and is against my human rights article 6.

Legislation covering that policy framework breaches my human rights to a level of fairness and it was negligent of the crown to pursue me because they were aware to these fundamentally flawed policies  and resources.

I have along with my family done much research and contacted people and organisations  across the UK who share the same opinion and I will continue to fight for the truth and my innocent life.

Any help with this would be much appreciated.

Thank you for reading,

Bryan Haskell. 


Please email Empowering the Innocent (ETI) at if you can assist Mr Haskell and we will pass your details on to him.

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