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Dear "Feminist men" and/or "Simps": We need to talk



We need to talk... ...about accountability, equality and privilege. i.e. how Feminism is destroying us.

I feel it likely you, my fellow men, genuinely believe some or all of the long pushed narratives about 'patriarchy', 'toxic masculinity', 'male power', 'male violence and abuse', the pay gap, DV/IPV, FGM, 'female victimhood' and 'MRA' oppression. Yes?

So, it is hard for you to take in the facts that occasionally push past your armour and tell you - 99.9% of the above “issues” are...bullshit.

I know how hard it is, because I was a “simp” - i.e. I was sympathetic to feminists who were, to me, apparently demanding equality, and I was actually part of a group called "Crèches against sexism" who supported Women's Aid by providing such services at their conferences.

As part of a larger men's group we tried to tackle the issues of male domestic violence, but also develop ourselves and other men into caring parents, better "house-husbands".

That was the 1980s.

I've changed, perhaps even more than Women's Aid and similar groups have.


Try to imagine today, any Women's Aid group engaging a bunch of men to look after their children for a weekend while they run their conferences. Or try to imagine a Women's Aid worker being so empathetic towards men, and so concerned at the stories they heard, that instead of doing nothing about the average two calls a week they received from men, (in one small borough of South Wales), they rang me up and helped me arrange a new support group for battered men.

That doesn't compute now, right?

Why not? It's not because men have "got more rapey" (there are many more male victims of female DV than there were in the 1990s) and, the incidence of rape per capita has actually fallen since then, This is clearly evident once you examine what women themselves have detailed in their experience stories, and reported to the Crime Survey of England and Wales (CSEW).


Erin Pizzey, with her battered wives refuge start up, wanted to promote this kind of "equality" - but that word, as used by post millennium feminists, is a flag of convenient camouflage for continuing efforts to cement ever greater privilege and even less accountability, and her attempts at showing us all that women were just as violent as men, resulted in -? her being cancelled and ridiculed to this day by an aggressive feminist media campaign.


So THINK, when someone assures you with confident certainty that, "we need to tackle...":The pay gap?  (non existent)


Toxic Masculinity? (Feminism is toxic, women/femininity, and men/masculinity, are not)


Male violence? (men and unborn babies are the major fatal victims of violence)


Women are victims? (they may revel in that status but they start 70% of domestic violence incidents).

Equal treatment in law? - well,  now here's my specialist expertise by experience.

Having been through the most outrageously unbelievable false allegations to be supported by police and CPS, nearly all the way to trial, I have since that time, researched, interviewed made a film about and thoroughly understood what goes on since, then DPP, Keir Starmer, simped to the Feminist lobby and overthrew the principles of justice in order to try and convict more men of rape.

Not convict more rapists, that never happened, never could legally. The attempt and the target could only ever have appeared reasonable to the most abject unthinking anti-justice feminist stool.

So, more people have been arrested, yes, and more men charged too, by a little way. But, from 2006 to 2021 the number of false rape allegations made to the police rose from around 5000 per annum to at least 55,000 per annum. (see my favourite, never refuted stats).

There were more convictions, yes, again an incremental increase - but as many as 500 of those were of innocent men who could not counter the "believed victim's" evidence-free story with any evidence of their own. Andy Malkinson is out of prison after 17 years, “Not the only one”.


Of course the feminist lobby, in all major media outlets, has consistently, and successfully, pushed the idea that "False rape allegations are vanishingly rare". You will hear police chiefs spouting this - and then very occasionally, when caught off guard, letting slip that they know a MAJORITY of rape allegations are false.

All the normal police involved know this. I have heard a cross section from Scotland to Cornwall tell me that they have to go along with the false narrative or their careers are threatened.


Aside from criminal convictions, of the hundreds of thousands of men falsely accused of rape during those same 15 years, at least half have have suffered them due to "the silver bullet divorce": A woman wants out, discovers that if they make an accusation of rape then they get all their divorce legal fees paid by the government – and almost automatically get custody of, and to use, their kids, - as weapons of revenge against the partner they previously swore they loved.

The suicide rate among men done down by this method is unsurprisingly high.


There are mean men and violent men out there - no one is denying this, but the people pushing the idea that the threat of violence and rape is just around every corner are not only exaggerating the ever decreasing reality, they are also pushing the idea that women are helpless victims - who never lie, and yet are empowered by institutionalised schemes to afford them special privileges.  It is notable that for almost any offence a woman is guilty of she will get a massively lesser punishment than a man does for the same offence. Inequality is enshrined across our entire legal system.


Men, you need to, you must, wake up to the nightmare you/we have walked us all into.

It clearly hasn't happened to you, YET, otherwise you might just have gotten an inkling of where this whole patriarchal privileges nonsense falls down.

Have you fallen for the "Incel-insult" Takedown MRAs, "Yes, all men" misandry because you have also read about the history of patriarchy? Who has written the things you have accepted as true?

And, have they not told you about the “white feather” brigade of women who attacked men who refused to be cannon fodder in the Great war? That was the early Feministas.

Are women really the peace lovers and peace makers?

I remember foolishly believing that getting women leaders in every nation would lead to an end to war; yes, I was that fooled by apex fallacies and the Feminist narrative.

Women have been national leaders, (Israel, India, UK) for some time - and most of them killed people. What does this tell you about a woman's natural inclination to peace?

"not all women"? - well, certainly the feminists seem drawn to aggression and violence, and not just talk, those who choose abortion as a form of contraception should be viewed through the same moral lens as those who bomb schools, not as some kind of right-on "my rights" activists.

And, beyond women victimising children and lesbian partners, women's violence towards men is now being revealed to be AT LEAST as common as the other way round.. What this research demonstrates is that, not just victimhood, but also committing violence is not a gender based issue.

And, if for some reason you are disbelieving this, (I suspect the cognitive dissonance will have well and truly kicked in by now), and you are still sure which gender might just possibly be seen to be more violent, then you've not seen the research showing that lesbian partner violence is over twice as common as gay male partner violence, have you?


But, you will have seen the phrase “Red Pill”, used a lot in gender discussions online - and yes, it's based on “The Matrix” notion of needing to choose the red pill to see the unpleasant reality, as opposed to being comfy in the bogus feminist matrix.

But did you ever actually see the Cassie Jaye film, "The Red Pill"?


A lot of people who might have wanted to do so, have not been able to, for a long time because the feminist lobby raised HELL about this film, got it banned from Australia altogether, they prevented screenings across the western world.

Why would they do that? Why? 

If you've seen it you know why - a feminist (Jaye) sets out to make a documentary film confronting Men's Right Activists as "the enemy" - and in interviews with many MRAs gradually gets her perceptions worn away. The film shows her taking segments she has just shot on board as a video journal when she makes the film over an extended period, and by the time it was screened she had ceased to be a feminist. (or, quit the dark side...).


Just as an apostate Muslim “must be put to death”, according to the Koran, so an apostate feminist who provides solid evidence of why feminism is a collection of massive lies, must be put to public "death". Cassie Jaye and Erin Pizzey are just two who have experienced this.


My bottom line is - if you haven't seen this film and you still believe you should support feminist inroads into laws, rules, Title IX, etc. and that MRAs are somehow evil, whatever...

watch it - see how far down the rabbit hole you dare go.


And, when you come out the other end, there are now a big bunch of us ready to welcome you to the place where we learn how to defeat agents.


By Patrick Graham

Patrick directed the film, "We believe you". It is available at: 

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