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Owen Labrie as Harry Potter: The Manipulation of Entertainment for the #MeToo Movement


Owen Labrie was profiled for the White House “Not Alone” task force’s goal: to influence the “Harry Potter” generation'

In an about turn on the politics of sexual assault, the Republicans gave the Democrats a dose of their own during the judicial confirmation hearings for Michael Delaney who had been heavily criticized for his handling of the Prout/Doe v St Paul’s School civil suit following New Hampshire v Owen Labrie.

Both the criminal trial of New Hampshire v Owen Labrie (August 2015) and the civil suit (June 1, 2016) were highly sensationalized — courtesy of Alexander Prout and the team of DC attorneys, publicists and White House “Not Alone” task force reps working with him who met with his family in DC in the Spring of 2015, a full five months before the criminal trial.

Senators Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz and Marsha Blackburn used a letter from the Prout family to undermine Michael Delaney’s nomination to the bench. Both the letter, the Republican Senators’ and Michael Delaney’s response miss the elephant in the room: The White House “Not Alone” task force of 2014 had an agenda. The Prout family were willing participants in that agenda for the Democratic Party — starting in June 2014 before Owen Labrie had even been interviewed and bullied by Concord Police.

Aged 18, and a scholarship student at the elite school to which the Prout family had donated $100,000 in Spring 2013 before Chessy Prout started that fall, Concord Police told him they were going to make him famous. They blindsided him with an arrest warrant which was broadcast over the news before informing him.

They took two mugshots of him for this enterprise — mugshots which the Prout family used liberally even though Labrie should have been granted the assumption of innocence — his constitutional right. A right denied by the White House “Not Alone” task force and their affiliates who happened to be the Concord Police by way of a contractual agreement with the University of New Hampshire.

This was an exercise in getting out propaganda and worrying about the details later — or rather, skimming over the details by engaging Government PR specialists who could use media to influence judicial outcome.

As Matt Cooper in Newsweek pointed out, the case had everything the media could want — a famous “elite” school, a star student who was on his way to Harvard. Owen Labrie was profiled for the White House “Not Alone” task force’s goal: to influence the “Harry Potter” generation. They’d secured Emma Watson for this purpose and now they needed a Harry Potter look-a-like from a school that could pass as Hogwarts.

Just like the 2014 Rolling Stone UVA “A Rape on Campus” sham of a story, New Hampshire v Owen Labrie & Prout/Does v St Paul’s School can be directly traceable to the the White House “Not Alone” task force and specifically Laura L Dunn Esq. who had been Joe Biden’s VIP guest to the launch of the unregulated “Dear Colleague” Title IX federal directive on April 4, 2011.

She had misrepresented her own alleged sexual assault on NPR in 2010 and she became the Prout family’s “personal representative” during the criminal trial of Owen Labrie. She also happened to be training the New Hampshire Police Department on behalf of the task force.

The Prouts had been registered Republicans, but prior to New Hampshire v Owen Labrie they became useful tools for the Democratic Party, and specifically Congresswoman Ann Kuster of Concord New Hampshire, who latched on to the campus rape frenzy doing a 180 degree about turn from her previous job as a lobbyist for Rohypnol (the date rape drug).

Congresswoman Ann Kuster used her influence at every possible juncture of the Labrie & St Paul’s legal proceedings. Why? Because there was a lot of money in it for the State of New Hampshire and her own election campaign.

Michael Delaney, for his part, deserved a comeuppance for subscribing to and participating in the blackmail game that was being played by the White House “Not Alone” task force, police and prosecutors, the Prouts’ attorneys and Congresswoman Ann Kuster. This was due to deciding that penning the introduction to a piece of propaganda that exposed the identities and private correspondence of girls and boys at St Paul’s School, the city of Concord’s fifth largest employer, was somehow a noble move.

Alexander Prout could have kept the identity of his daughter private. He didn’t want to. His own attorney, Steven D. Silverman Esq., had his license suspended by DC Bar in 2014 for using the media to manipulate judicial outcome in Doe v Cabrera. His other attorney, Steven J. Kelly Esq. wrote an article about how he uses pretrial publicity to influence criminal trials and civil suits.

The Prouts’ Government Affairs PR strategist: Dan Hill of asked if I could recommend a book. I recommended “We Were Liars” by E. Lockheart:

'A beautiful and distinguished family. A private island. A brilliant, damaged girl; a passionate, political boy. A group of four friends — the Liars — whose friendship turns destructive. A revolution. An accident. A secret. Lies upon lies.'

I suggested it as a parable for the Prout family’s and their and their Government Affairs PR team’s rendition of the political show trial that brought them millions, influenced laws and profiteered off the defamation of Owen Labrie, a scholarship student who was made into a public punching bag, an “Al-Qaeda terrorist” (to use their own words) overnight and became the nationwide target of vigilante hate.

Something is rotten in the State of Denmark.

By Claire Best

Claire Best heads Claire Best & Associates, an international talent agency representing some of the most respected names in the entertainment industry for film, television, and commercials that was established in 2010. She had 16 years of experience in the agency business as an owner, C.E.O. and C.O.O. before Claire Best & Associates. Prior to becoming an agent in 2002, Claire was a production executive at New Line Cinema and Fine Line Features where she oversaw the production of many well-known domestic and international feature films from 1996-2001. Claire has also produced and executive produced a number of award winning and critically acclaimed features, shorts, and documentaries. She is a voting member of B.A.F.T.A. and the Television Academy (see:

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