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The Corruption at the Heart of Title IX and the #MeToo Movement


So much for the mantra of speaking “Truth to Power” - these organizations are inseparable from very institutions they pretend to hold accountable.

Brett Sokolow, the Department of Education, Department of Justice, and the University of New Hampshire started a racket.

In 1957, the US Supreme Court ruled in Sweezy v New Hampshire - a case about a professor and his alleged communist lectures at the University of New Hampshire - that Sweezy's due process rights had been denied because the State's primary interest was in the university itself.

The charges against Sweezy were being used to validate a theory that the university was promulgating Communist ideology. The Marxist professor prevailed at the US Supreme Court. It was a landmark case for free speech and for keeping the Government out of the classroom.

Fifty four years later, in 2011, at the same University of New Hampshire, Vice President Joe Biden introduced a controversial and unregulated federal directive called “Dear Colleague” Title IX, effectively overturning the precedent set by Sweezy v New Hampshire.

Suddenly, the Department of Education’s Office of Civil rights threatened to withhold federal funds from educational institutions if they did not follow the “Dear Colleague” directive.

On Friday 1st April 2011, just three days before the launch of “Dear Colleague” on Monday 4th April, an entrepreneurial attorney, Brett Sokolow, registered two “Non-profits” in Pennsylvania, readying for a slew of new business deals to result from the unregulated Title IX directive:

“The National Behavioral Intervention Team Association”, and

“The Association for Title IX Administrators”.

In April 2022, Brett Sokolow’s name was removed from the non-profits. In October 2022, he was sued in a whistleblower suit for financial fraud.

However, in the 11 years since the launch of those two non-profits, Sokolow established an empire training and accrediting Title IX coordinators and advising educational institutions on risk management. Some of it on "Ethically slippery ground”.

Universities, colleges and schools beefed up their administrations to handle sex discrimination under Title IX. Sokolow was the nation’s guru on campus sex discrimination risk management.

Given the allegations of financial fraud facing Sokolow, it should be an opportune time for a serious investigation into the planning and orchestration behind the unregulated “Dear Colleague” and the profiteering enterprise that has flourished as a result.

There was not only a material cost to the public to finance this scam, but lives were lost as well, becoming secondary to a curated narrative that yielded prosecutorial wins, lucrative civil suits, Government contracts and votes for political leaders - all under the guise of social justice to tackle an epidemic on campus using flawed statistics and theories to drive the cause.

Alongside Brett Sokolow, a few others set out to profiteer from that 2011 Title IX unregulated directive as well. Political activists and non-profits partnered with news media, social media and major brands to infiltrate campuses and courts.

They received the support of what would later become known as the White House “Not Alone” task force, as well as the Department of Justice’s Office of Violence Against Women, and the Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights.

Among those who profiteered from the unregulated Title IX directive alongside Brett Sokolow were:

Gloria Allred - who sued Occidental in 2013 and got on the front cover of Time Magazine in 2014 right after the “Not Alone” White House initiative was launched, ready to sue institutions for alleged Title IX failures.

Laura L Dunn, a VIP guest of Joe Biden’s at that 2011 UNH “Dear Colleague” launch, who said she wanted to be “Gloria Allred big” in one article. She launched her Twitter Handle for @SurvJustice in January 2011 and registered the “Non-profit” tied to the White House Task Force (per its IRS 990 form) in 2014.

Dunn spoke up vehemently against due process. She instructed local police departments, worked with publicists and groomed prospective “Survivors” for courtroom trials as she did with Chessy Prout in the sensationalist New Hampshire v Owen Labrie trial which yielded several lucrative civil suits in its wake.

Dunn had attended the University of Wisconsin, alma mater to Shamus Khan who wrote the 2012 book “Privilege” about St Paul’s School and has received millions in grants to write about “Elite” education and sexual assault on campus.

She became an ambassador for a non-profit started by another Wisconsin alum: Angela Rose of PAVE whose Wikipedia page dates to four days after Obama won the presidency in 2008. Rose and Laura Dunn quickly found their way into the inner sanctum of the White House searching for stories and using these to create narratives and push an agenda.

SurvJustice effectively went out of business in March 2020 after Laura Dunn lost a lawsuit against Trump Education Secretary Betsy DeVos over Title IX due process (Dunn arguing against it).

PAVE, at the forefront during the Obama administration got called out as 100% lies in September 2020 by Melinda Coleman (RIP), the mother of Daisy Coleman whose rape as a teenager was documented in the Netflix documentary “Audrie & Daisy”.

Steven J Kelly Esq. lobbied the Senate for a “Victims Rights” bill in May 2014, which Senator Jeanne Shaheen introduced and passed in 2016. He gave Angela Rose of PAVE an award in 2013 and was on the board of the National Crime Victims Law Institute which featured Laura Dunn in a “Partner spotlight” section in November 2014. He also travelled with her to New Hampshire for the criminal trial of NH v Owen Labrie as personal representative for the State’s witness against Labrie: Chessy Prout.

Less than a year later he led the first of a number of “Doe v St Paul’s School” suits yielding millions in settlements. Each of these was helped with PR from Vice Media, NBC and the Associated Press.

A nice contract for a “Compliance” officer at St Paul’s School and for the New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence came out of it all too. Chessy Prout, Dunn’s and Kelly’s client, was supplied with Government Affairs PR representative Dan Hill, who boasts that he’s helped his clients secure $21 billion in Government contracts using Special Ops stealth techniques.

After Kelly was done with St Paul’s School he moved on to Dartmouth College, soliciting plaintiffs for a class action #MeToo suit (Rapuano & Does v Dartmouth) which resulted in a $14 million settlement from which he and his partners in the suit received an estimated $4.9 million (and the NHCADSV $2.865 million).

White House “Not Alone” task force connections helped again: Tina Tchen (Michele Obama’s Chief of Staff) had started Times Up, whose legal defence fund ponied up the money for publicity for the suit.

Professor David Bucci committed suicide in the aftermath of the Dartmouth suit. He’d been named 31 times, accused of knowing of sexual misconduct in his department. He claimed he was unaware, but Dartmouth refused to let him defend himself. His suicide was brushed over by local newspapers who had promoted the suit for Kelly.

Facts didn’t matter to anybody. Brett Sokolow had a lucrative business providing training that was gender biased in line with the directive from Joe Biden and the White House “Not Alone” task force.

Even the White House Taskforce backed Rolling Stone UVA article “A Rape on Campus”, published and rescinded in November 2014, didn’t make anyone stop to think about the damage of false accusations. Laura Dunn defended the story. Her contribution to it can be found in Exhibit 15b of the lawsuit Eramo v Rolling Stone which led to the resignation of the magazine’s editor and $3 million in defamation damages.

The business model for Brett Sokolow, Gloria Allred, Laura L Dunn and Steven J Kelly & co followed in footsteps of Ann Olivarius who was named as one of the top 50 most influential people regarding Title IX by the ACLU.

She had sued Yale years earlier and set the precedent to hold institutions liable for mishandling sexual assault.

Olivarius had her bar license suspended in several states in the US. So, she moved to the UK and went after UK private schools instead:

A decade on from the registration of Sokolow’s two non-profits, and the launch of “Dear Colleague” in April 2011, over 700 lawsuits by falsely accused students, teachers and professors against colleges, schools and universities have been filed. Millions have been paid out in the wake of sensationalist and fabricated “Rape” tales:

Yale is being sued for $110 million by Saifullah Khan who was wrongly accused of sexual assault, criminally charged and acquitted. Yale has in excess of 45 Title IX coordinators.

Many of these educational institutions employ Title IX coordinators who were trained and accredited using Brett Sokolow’s instruction. In turn, the non-profits such as SurvJustice, PAVE, Know Your IX, End Rape on Campus, NCVLI, NWLC, Times Up, and Its On Us are intertwined and also relying on tainted statistics and theories which have totally infiltrated mainstream culture.

An amicus brief to the Connecticut Supreme Court from fifteen of these organizations demonstrates that far from standing up to institutional corruption, they want to protect Yale and its female accusers from being sued for making or encouraging false statements against Saifullah Khan.

So much for the mantra of speaking “Truth to Power”, these organizations are inseparable from very institutions they pretend to hold accountable.

As Sokolow and others have profiteered, tuition fees have increased by thousands per student to pay for Title IX administration and schools’ legal fees to fight claims. Meanwhile, although some (mostly male) students and professors have actually been guilty of sexual misconduct, many others have been framed, suspended, expelled, and denied their civil rights.

Some have faced bankruptcy fighting in civil and criminal kangaroo courts, wrongfully convicted and incarcerated in highly tainted investigations. Mental health issues, depression and suicide are not uncommon. Female perpetrators have largely been ignored, forgiven or their misconduct covered up. Files and complaints hidden or deleted.

In the first step to opening a Pandora’s Box of abuse of public funds, public trust in the Title IX sham of the last 11 years - a whistleblower has come forward to sue Bret Sokolow for financial fraud.

The box needs to be ripped open so that all of those who profiteered off our educational institutions, students, teachers and professors can finally be held accountable for the horrors of this abhorrent racket.

Claire Best heads Claire Best & Associates, an international talent agency representing some of the most respected names in the entertainment industry for film, television, and commercials that was established in 2010. She had 16 years of experience in the agency business as an owner, C.E.O. and C.O.O. before Claire Best & Associates. Prior to becoming an agent in 2002, Claire was a production executive at New Line Cinema and Fine Line Features where she oversaw the production of many well-known domestic and international feature films from 1996-2001. Claire has also produced and executive produced a number of award winning and critically acclaimed features, shorts, and documentaries. She is a voting member of B.A.F.T.A. and the Television Academy (see:

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