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A message of support in response to the article by Bryan Haskell that relates to all innocent victims of false allegations and wrongful convictions

False Allegations Watch (FAW) published an article by Bryan Haskell on the 4th October 2024. In it, Mr Haskell alleged that he was innocent of the alleged rapes of which he has been convicted and imprisoned. The article was a call for assistance. At the end of the article, we invited readers who could offer assistance to Mr Haskell to write to Empowering the Innocent (ETI), who would pass any messages on to Mr Haskell and his girlfriend. The message below was received and forwarded and we sought permission to publish from the sender who gave their consent, but wanted to remain anonymous. We thought that message support that is reproduced below should be published as it applies to all those falsely accused and / or wrongly convicted.

Dear Mr Haskell,

I hope this email finds you well.

I write because I have been where you are for a while as well.

After reading your article, I would ask you to take care of your health first because this is a marathon. Take good care of that because that almost made me lose the motivation to carry on the legal battle. Good food, good sleep (because your conscience is clear because you are innocent) and exercise. Giving up is not an option. Try doing things that you like every day because that will also keep you going.

The Serenity Prayer usually helps me when feelings of complete injustice overcome me. Deal with the things that are within your reach, do not worry about issues that are out of your control, and, bearing in mind your particular context each day, try to learn to calibrate the difference between both with mindset of surrender, not an option.

Take care.

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