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Another message of support in response to the article by Bryan Haskell that relates to all innocent victims of false allegations and wrongful convictions

Dear Bryan,

Having read your article, I wish there was something I could do to help, but I’m neither wealthy nor a lawyer. Maybe, though, it helps just to know there are people who are thinking about you in addition to your family and friends. I obviously can’t be certain of the facts in your case, but from what you’ve written your reputation is untarnished as far as I’m concerned. I’m sure I’m not alone in thinking that reasonable doubts exist. I hope, therefore, you’re still holding your head high. No rational person who has studied cases like Andy Malkinson’s should believe someone is guilty of a sexual crime simply because they’ve been convicted. So, if anyone assumes from your conviction you’re a rapist, rather than accepting that you may well be a victim yourself who needs help, then they do so on the basis of ignorance, prejudice or stupidity.

It seems any man can be jailed at the behest of a former partner or a complete stranger if they have enough assistance from the police. The dysfunctional justice system has clearly been failing men as well as women. Consequently, the cash incentives for making accusations (from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme) have the effect of putting prices on innocent men’s heads. This is something we should all worry about. It seems many young men stay at home playing e-games and watching porn, but who can blame them?

As I don’t know you, it would be presumptuous of me to offer any advice on coping with your ordeal. All I can say is that my priority would be to spend time studying. Having time to study seems to be the only advantage of being in prison compared to being outside, so I’d want to make the most of it. (I haven’t had a TV for many years and I study all sorts of things when I can, but I never have enough time.) So my aim would be to leave prison wiser and more aware than when I went in. I’d also want to set myself short term reading goals to stop my thoughts going round in circles. Books of course can also take your thoughts far beyond four walls.

I assume you don’t have access to free lectures and resources on the internet but it seems you can receive books from approved suppliers. Perhaps, you’d like to make progress with something that wasn’t taught well at school, e.g. maths, history or a foreign language, or indeed any subject that takes your fancy - possibly one that also appeals to your girlfriend. If so with the kind help of ETI maybe you could let me know of a topic and the level you think is suitable and I’ll see if I can send you something relevant.

Best wishes,

A L Smith

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